Living the path to Enlightenment

Question: “hi there! I’ve been looking into fully practicing Buddhism for quite awhile, but I feel as though there is so much information to take on that I don’t really know where to start! I have read several of the traditional texts, but the actual dynamics of the religion/spirituality seem complex. do you have an advice or sources I could check out to do my research and really begin living the path to enlightenment? thank you so much!”

The road to Enlightenment is a difficult one, especially going at it solo (if you don’t go to temple services). So my first suggestion would be to go to a temple! Attending temple services (try different temples out to see which one best suites you) can help you tremendously with learning new things, help you understand things you already know, and ask questions.

If you don’t have any temples in your area or surrounding areas, see if there are any Buddhist groups ( is a great resource). People helping each other out is the best way to learn.

In my over six years of studying Buddhism, I’ve only barely scratched the surface of it. What I post on my blog is what I know (or at least know how to explain in words). And that doesn’t even cover some mid-level topics in Buddhism. So Buddhism is definitely not something you can learn in a week. It’s a lifetime learning experience. You will never stop learning and discovering new things, no matter how much you read.

However, reading is good. Find a sutra you can connect to (if you’re studying Mahayana, I suggest the Lotus or Diamond sutra). But for sure you’ll need to cover and fully understand the basics (four noble truthseightfold pathKarma, etc.). Visit your local bookstore of shop online for any books that catch your eye. I suggest anything by Thich Nhat Hanh (The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching is one of my favorite’s!) And of course, practice daily meditation. You can gain so much wisdom through meditation. You can’t reach enlightenment without meditation!

Basically, don’t try to rush. Chances are we won’t reach enlightenment in this lifetime. It could take many, dozens, or hundreds of more lives to be fully awaken, so just take it slow and go with the flow. Read what you can. Practice routinely. Meditate daily. With every step, you take a step closer to Nirvana.


Smile and be well!

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