Buddhism and Believing in God

Question: “I have a strong urge to change my spiritual beliefs. I grew up in Catholic Church and then converted into Lutheran. I can’t seem to follow thru with these religions. However, I do believe in a God. I struggle with believing in something that makes sense and so far I find myself leaving to the Buddha life. How can I begin to do this? What should I do to remain in t right path to do so?”

As with any path, religion, or spirituality, it’s a very personal one. Modern religion (for the most part) has strayed away from strict, we’re going to follow the same rules that were put down thousands of years ago, ordeal and make up our own rules. For Christians, Catholics, Muslims, etc. they break their own rules on a daily basis because ancient rules don’t apply to today’s age.

With Buddhism on the other hand, it’s the kind of religion that needs to change according to the societal and local customs. That’s why Buddhism is different in almost every country. It’s still all Buddhism, believing, practicing, and reading the same Dharma, but Buddhism in India is much different than Buddhism in China. With that said, you can still be a Christian and practice a Buddhist way. Being a Christian and practicing Buddhist philosophy of non-violence, loving-compassion, and loving-kindness simply makes you a better Christian.

To be a Buddhist, a true, devote Buddhist is an effort to learning and practicing its profound philosophy, sutras, and Dharma. But by taking certain concepts of Buddhism like non-violence, love, compassion, and loving-kindness and applying it to your own life and religion, that just makes you a better person and a better follower of your own religion.

Buddhism doesn’t have a concept of a God, or a need for it. It’s a mind-centered religion where you are your own judge and responsible for your own suffering and happiness. So without having to “convert” to Buddhism, use Buddhist practices of loving-kindness and compassion. Grab an intro book of Buddhism like the The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh, for a little more in-depth knowledge. Practice what you read and know and apply it to your own beliefs.

Your life isn’t about bettering it or making it satisfactory for a god or some deity – it’s about bettering it and satisfying your own Self, finding the causes of suffering and being happy. You can’t help others without helping yourself first!


Smile and be well!

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