Tag Archives: Precepts ceremony

Taking Refuge and Precepts Ceremony

Though I’ve already taken Refuge (on my own), I haven’t officially taken the Five Precepts. When taking Refuge and the Precepts, it’s traditionally done at a temple by the head monk. So that’s what I’m doing this weekend. I’ve waited until I found a Sangha before taking the precepts, because it’s important to find and be apart of a Sangha before asking for such a commitment ceremony.

My temple holds one Precepts ceremony a year, usually on Vesak, or a week before or after Vesak. Since they’re going to be really busy this year for Vesak because we invited the Japanese temple to celebrate with us, I chose this weekend (the week before Vesak) for the ceremony.

I’ve been waiting for this ceremony for a while now and I’m truly excited and happy about it! Some are asking why I waited so long, after have been studying Buddhism for years, to take refuge and the precepts. Or that I should of taken my Bodhisattva vows by now. Maybe I waited long, and maybe I should have taken my Bodhisattva vows by now. But what is taking refuge and the vows? Nothing more than a self-commitment to be a better person, to be compassionate, and to practice loving-kindness – things that I’m already developing and practicing. So I don’t mind waiting long. I don’t mind prolonging “official” ceremonies or commitments. I waited until the time was right, and the time for my precepts is now, and the time for the Bodhisattva vows will come when the Universe sees it fit for me to realize it.

Smile and be well!

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